Pictures In Our Home
2015Pictures In Our Home is a series of small, one-to-one replicas of photographs that my partner and I have framed in our home. The photographs retain memories of past moments that once framed become objects in a home, much like furniture. These intimate objects become artifacts to a life lived with the drawings activated by materials like clear gloss medium and gold leaf to suggest their original references. In particular, these materials sentimentally signify queer memories in a liminal state of suspension. These references to archived materials further illustrate the emotive states we find ourselves in around nostalgia and memory.

When We Got Drunk The Night Before My Graduation in 2012, 2015, Graphite, gold leaf, and acrylic on paper

When We Went To Austin, TX in 2013, 2015, Graphite, gold leaf, and acrylic on paper

When We Went To The Ft. Worth Modern Museum in 2014, 2015, Graphite, gold leaf, and acrylic on paper